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MISRA: Guidelines for Software Development Utilizing the C Programming Language

MISRA C is a group of recommendations or guidelines that were developed by MISRA for use in the creation of software using the C programming language (The Motor Industry Software Reliability Association).

C's easy hardware access, flexibility, and low memory requirements make it popular. C is a programming language that is used to build a wide variety of applications, ranging from straightforward operating systems to more complicated programs. The ability to program in C is the foundation for mastering the vast majority of other programming languages that are very similar.

C, on the other hand, has a few drawbacks, including the fact that it is not an object-oriented programming language, its susceptibility to buffer overruns and underruns, its use of initialized memory, its absence of exception handling, and its failure to implement the concept of namespaces, amongst other things.

C was the language of choice for coding automotive design systems for a long time. The Motor Industry Software Reliability Association (MISRA), which is based in the United Kingdom, needed a way to handle the limitations of C and enable the safe use of C programming, so experienced embedded programmers developed MISRA C. MISRA C is an extension of the C programming language.

What exactly is the MISRA C?

MISRA C is a set of rules for writing software in the C programming language. These guidelines enable best practices in the areas of code safety, security, portability, and reliability in embedded systems. It was initially designed for application in the automotive industry; however, it has since undergone significant development and is now widely used by developers in a variety of industries, including, amongst others, the automotive, aerospace, telecom, medical supplies, defense, and railway industries.

MISRA C is a programming standard that places an emphasis on the definition of a more secure subset of the C programming language. This standard is intended to be used for software development projects in which concerns regarding quality, safety, reliability, and security may be present.

The MISRA C standard has undergone three rounds of release and update cycles to date. The MISRA C: 1998 standard was the first one, and it has 127 different coding rules and is still widely used even now. After this, the MISRA C:2004, which included 142 coding rules, became available as the second edition. The MISRA C:2012 is the third edition, and it was originally published with 143 rules. However, it was revised in 2016 to include 156 rules in addition to 17 directives, which brings the total number of guidelines to 173. The proliferation of connected devices throughout supply chains served as a driving force behind these additions and adjustments. They boost productivity and flexibility, extending the applicability of MISRA C beyond the automotive industry and ensuring the delivery of products that are compliant with safety standards in a variety of industries.

The MIRSA C guidelines can be placed into one of these three categories:

  1. Mandatory: Compliance is always required, with no exceptions allowed.
  2. Required: In addition to the previous rules, these new ones must also be followed. However, in order to account for events that cannot be predicted when working with embedded systems, the developers of MISRA C included a provision that allows one to deviate from a given rule—but only after giving the matter careful thought, providing supporting documentation, and providing a justification for the deviation. It is also recommended that these kinds of deviations be localized.
  3. Advisory: adhering to these guidelines is not required but is recommended because it is considered to be good practice.

These guidelines can be subdivided into additional categories.

  • Undefined and Undefined conduct
  • Absolutes and Constants
  • Regulating flow
  • Implementation determined conduct
  • Definitions and Declarations
  • Code Design Functions
  • Initialization
  • Language Extensions
  • Overlapping Storage
  • Conversions of pointers
  • Character configurations and lexical standards
  • Standard Libraries
  • Control statement expressions


To achieve MISRA C compliance, developers must abide by the predetermined mandatory rules. MISRA C compliance of the C programming language requires expert knowledge of MISRA C rules and guidelines as well as the use of the proper tools.

Among the steps that contribute to compliance are:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the rules: To achieve compliance, you must have a thorough understanding of the MISRA coding rules for programming languages. You must be familiar with the specific coding rules applicable to the version of C or C++ you choose.
  2. Regular and constant inspections for code violations will enhance quality.
  3. Documenting any deviations: When it comes to compliance, any exceptions to the rule must be well-documented.
  4. Establish Baselines: Establishing baselines to ensure compliance of any legacy codebase that comes with an embedded system.
  5. Monitoring Compliance: Using a static code analyzer to generate automated compliance reports, closely monitor how compliant your code is.
  6. Choosing an Effective Static Code Analyzer Choosing an efficient static code analyzer to scan both new and legacy code will improve compliance.

Software Instruments Supporting MISRA C Compliance

Numerous software tools are available to assist programmers in adhering to the MISRA C guidelines for safety-critical software and automatically integrating compliance into the software development lifecycle. Using these tools ensures safe, secure, and dependable code because they check your software for security flaws and MISRA C coding best practices instantly and effectively. Additionally, they can be configured to operate locally on desktops or servers.

These days, coding is intricate and development teams cannot afford to make mistakes, so they turn to static analysis tools to examine source code and automatically analyze it against coding rules.  This can certainly be accomplished manually, but using automated tools is more efficient and error-free, as these tools identify issues that, if overlooked, could result in unsafe and unpredictable behavior.

Simply put, MISRA C compliance software tools aid in avoiding C language program constructs that can reduce code reusability and lead to product failures, safety issues, and exploitable vulnerabilities.

Among the benefits of using static analysis tools are:

  • Early detection of coding issues Enhances
  • Eliminating security weaknesses
  • Monitoring code quality in detail
  • Integration with development instrumentation

Consider whether the programming language is compatible with your needs and whether it supports your coding standard, e.g., when selecting a static analyzer tool. MISRA C.  Care must be taken when selecting MISRA checkers to ensure they identify noncompliant code. Some MISRA checkers generate erroneous diagnoses and do not assist with indeterminate conditions.

In conclusion, MISRA compliance encompasses more than just coding standards. It can be much more than a simple tool for writing safer, more portable code. The compliance procedure is both logical and practical, as it clarifies how to handle deviations or exceptions to the rules whenever they are required. When complied with, it can define the excellence standards for software as it travels from suppliers to buyers in a variety of industries.

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